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Gemini Heat Set Paints - FLESH 08


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

Gemini Heat Set Paints - MARS BLACK


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

Gemini Heat Set Paints - PHTHALO BLUE 02


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

Gemini Heat Set Paints - PHTHALO BLUE 07


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

Gemini Heat Set Paints - PHTHALO GREEN 06


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

Gemini Heat Set Paints - PYROLE RE 08


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

Gemini Heat Set Paints - PYROLE RED 02


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.



This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

Gemini Heat Set Paints - RAW SIENNA


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

Gemini Heat Set Paints - WARM BLUSH


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

Gemini Heat Set Paints - BURNT UMBER


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

Gemini Heat Set Paints - EYELID PURPLE


This is the Best paint i have found to replace Genesis and works great with Genesis.

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